The Internet Service Provider in Japan (ISP). Today I went to register with an ISP to have internet in my new house, which I still did not move into. Since I now have a 42Mbps internet line, I thought 24Mbps would be more than enough. No, 12Mbps would be great even. After several thoughts, I decided that if I got the 8Mbps for a good deal, I will go for it. After all, 8Mbps is still not offered in Jordan and I will be waaay ahead of my friends! (YATTTAAA!!!!) :p
Ohh those bad ISPs in Japan. Very bad ISPs.. They only had one offer. Imagine? ISP with one offer. 1 0 0 Mbps. ONE HUNDRED MEGA BITS PER SECOND. I needed 3 minutes for recovery after hearing the news. 100Mbps for almost 15JDs per month. no, around 18JDs to be honest!!! I had to check again. Did they mean 100Kbps??? No no. Its 100MEGAbps...!!!!!! 18JDs??? OH MY GOD!!!!
Now is a good time to start negotiating the download limit. Since I download alot to my hard-disk, I had to know how much I am allowed to download per month before they cap my bandwidth. In Jordan you are -as a best case scenario- allowed to download 12GB before they cap your bandwidth. I though 100GB would me more than enough in my case. Talking in Japanese, I started the following conversation:
- Execuse me, May I ask about the download limit?
- what?
- the download, how much I can download per month.
- oh oh 100, 100 Mbps.
- no no, how much I am allowed to save on my hard-disk??
- oh, it depends on your hard-disk space!!!
- no, sir. How much bandwidth I am allowed to use for downloading, movies, songs, whatever..
- ????
- download? limit? hello?
- !!!!!
!!!! They dont know whats a download limit!!!! 100Mbps without a download limit!!!!
100Mbps is like connecting to another computer in your house. 100Mbps is whats called a Local Area Network (LAN). But in my case, thats the internet! the world for me is a LAN. I connect to a computer in USA as fast as I connect to my laptop at home! I connect to Jordan, as fast as I connect to Africa!!
With a 42Mbps I used to stream everything I watch. No more hard-disk space usage. What can I do with a 100Mbps??? Stream 720p high-def movies? maybe 1080p?
The joke is becoming for real!! Once I told my boss that when we have 100Mbps connection, it could be easier to access the hard-disk via the local host! the request goes throught the internet and then comes back to access your hard-disk as a remote computer!!! :p
They helped me alot. In writing the contract, in choosing my ISP, and in everything. They were smiling thanking me all the time. VERY polite. At the end, I paid nothing. Nothing at all. I only have to pay the monthly fee, the 18JDs. Oh btw, they gave me a new land line as a gift!!! and I will pay 5JDs per month for that!
Still, dear blog readers, having a faster internet does not mean I will be posting here faster. Remember, quality over quantity ;)
Broadband is way ahead in Japan and South Korea because their governments realize the importance of 'fast, robust data transfer' to the economy.
In Jordan, I told my friends that 20Mbps, 30Mbps is normal in Japan and that fiber to the home and fiber to the user is normal. They couldn't swallow the 2 digit speed. I would like to see their reaction to 100Mbps.
In the gulf countries, Internet over mobile networks will become 2 digit next year; we're talking 14Mbps over HSDPA,'only'.
someday we, the network people, will beat internal bus speeds of PCs :p so,VLSI people,u'd better keep up with this! :D [evil laugh] :p
"it could be easier to access the hard-disk via the local host! the request goes throught the internet and then comes back to access your hard-disk as a remote computer!!!"
^_^ omoshiroi!
waiting for next "high quality" post!
thanks man , i really like your blogs , but i miss japan even more now x(
heyy please write a blog on how-you-cracked-the-fugging-entrance-exam-of-tokyo-univ . I wish i was so lucky.
Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é http://www.provedorcrescenet.com . Um abraço.
Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é http://www.provedorcrescenet.com . Um abraço.
Oooh Dude , I cant imagine !!! 100 MB
While we get fake 2 mbs for 35 jds a month
Enjoy it man
LAN is already faster than the internet you can have the megabits LAN 1000GBits,but in the other hand nyalak
dragon hunter san,
LAN is 1Gbps max these days. Anything thats 100Mbps or faster is considered a LAN since 100Mbps is the default speed for nowadays' LANs.
That's excellent. but as a note, the ISP can only Grantee 100Mbps in this network, however they can't grantee 100Mbps with other networks i.e. over the internet, the limitation comes from the best effort nature of the internet, and the uplink capacity of the ISP
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