Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Homework is fun!

Homework is fun, especially if it is the Japanese way.

A while ago we had a writing homework to do, in Japanese. The homework was to describe specific scene and write about them from different point of views. Here is the scene of our last homework:

It was fun, yeah. But never an easy task. At the end, we sure learned alot!
Creative, eh?


Amani AbuQdais أماني أبوقديس said...

ahahahahaha!!!! Pingu no iede!!!! and the agemasu/moraimasu/kuremasu lesson!
I totally remember this homework!! We laughed to tears that day! brought back so many memories.. They say this is the most fun class of all levels, so enjoy it to the limits!

subzero said...

True! haha!
But the basic agemasu/moraimasu/kuremasu was not the main focus here. The focus was on how to change the perspective in your sentences. Also on writing a couple of paragraph using the same point of view and perspective.