Monday, 30 April 2007

a MOBILE, is a LIFE...

You can never imagine how cheap mobile phones in Japan are.

I had this decision to cut the cost on myself by not getting a mobile phone. But after having dinner with a friend for 2000yen (12JDs) I thought having a mobile phone and paying 15JDs a month isnt that much.

I now have this mobile phone
that costs 800$ in the US, 800JDs in Jordan. I bought it for 100JDs in Japan :), and yet better, ill pay it on 12 months, for about 8JDs a month!!!!!!

When I went inside the shop to buy the mobile phone, I got that mobile, a sim card, & signed the contract. I paid NOTHING. Absolutely nothing. Ill get a monthly bill for 15JDs a month. 5Jds a basic charge, 8JDs for the mobile phone, and another 2JDs already paid phone calls.

You know whats the best part in all of this? People inside the same network can call each other for FREE from 1am to 9pm each day. yup, 20 hours of free calling. Imagine u can call from fastlink to fastlink free all day? this is how it works in Japan!!!!!

Dont get me started on other services you get with the mobile phone:

1. You have a special email, such that if your friend is online and sent an email to that address, you will receive the email on your mobile. You can reply too.

2. You can connect to the internet anywhere inside Japan. And for 50JDs a month, you can have unlimited internet on your mobile!!! a bit expensive so I didnt subscribe in this one.

3. You mobile phone has a warranty for a year, if it is broken it is immediately exchanged with a new one.

Magnificent service, really!!

Wednesday, 25 April 2007

Some pictures..

As promised I promised before, I present you the following pictures:

Japanese people love tea very much. (Arabs love it too, right?) But they love it in any form: cold, hot, or mixed with anything. You can see in the pic how many types of tea they have. Everything in the bridge next to the water bottles is nothing but tea.

Good Morning Tokyo! In tokyo, 15million population. Another 15million arrive by trains every morning. So never expect to have an empty seat in the train between 7am & 9am. Look at the picture. This is considered an empty train btw, because you still have some space. Really!!!

Tenya! Tenya is a popular resturant in Japan that sells Japanese food. Fish & rice. I tried it once its very good. But people told me it would be much more delicious if I try the special dressing with the rice. I didnt try it because it contains alcohol. Well, I am satisfied with the taste as it is. :)

Thanx Ahmad for the professional pics, again.

Tuesday, 24 April 2007

Jordan's Akihabra: AlGardenz street!

In Japan if you wanna buy anything electrical or computer related, they tell you: go to Akihabara, you will definitely find your item there.

Same in Jordan. If you wanna buy something electrical or computer related, they will tell you: go to AlGradenz street. You will find your item there.

Whats the difference then?

Akihabara: 100s of Computer stores. Thats only when I stopped counting.
AlGardenz: 3 major computer stores & another 10 minors.

Akihabara: Each 3 or 4 months a huge discount hits the market.
AlGardenz: Each 3 or 4 months a huge raise in prices hits the market.

Akihabara: If meet someone while walking there, there is a 99% chance you wont meet him again. Thousands of buyers exist at the same time in Akihabara.
AlGardenz: If you meet someone while walking there, there is a 99% chance you WILL meet him again. Those who are interested in computer stuff there are a few, very popular, & probably know each other.

Akihabara: When you buy something, the owner of the store thanks you 100 times.
AlGardenz: When you buy something, you have to thank the owner of the store 100 times.

Akihabra: The best place to find video games & consoles.
AlGardenz: The ONLY place to find video games & consoles.

Akihabara: You watch Anime? This is your heaven.
AlGardenz: You watch Anime? What are you? 8?!

So if you here about Akihabara, you are not missing anything. Just take a taxi to AlGradenz :)

Monday, 23 April 2007

While being alone in my small room....

فجأة .. وجدت نفسي في بلد لا يفقه شيئا في اللغة العربية.. فجأة .. و جدت نفسي احمل على كاهلي أكبر قدر من المسؤولية.. في أقصى شرق القارة الآسيوية .. في بلد التقدم العلمي و المعدات التكنولوجية .. ما كان بالامس حلم من أحلامي الوردية .. يتحول اليوم الى حقيقة واقعية .. أتحدث اليكم اليوم ، من مدينة طوكيو اليابانية ..

ااااه .. و ااااه .. ااااه على بلد لا ينفع فيها اسم ولا جاه ، في جزيرة محاطة بأكملها بالمياه. اه على اناس لا يشبهوننا لا بالعين و لا الأنف و لا الفاه ، و لن استغرب ، فهذه بلد التنانين و الزمامير و الطبول ، ساكنها بالوقت دقيق و دائما عجول ، لا يعرف معنى الخمول ، كونه لا يأكل الحمص أو الفول ، بل يذبح و يأكل الخيول. الشعب الياباني ، عن التعريف غني ، لا شيعي و لا سني ، بل راهب أو بوذي ، شعب قوي ، بالعمر فتي ، و بالعمل جدي.

طوكيو اليابان ، هي حلم كل انسان ، التكنولوجيا عنده ادمان. طوكيو المدينة ، التي نهضت بعد ان كانت دفينة ، بعد أن كانت حزينة ، و بيد الامريكان عجينة. نهضت اعلى النهضات ، قفزت اعلى القفزات ، تفوقت على الدول الكبريات ، لا بصناعة بل بصناعات. و بشعبها ذو الطموحات ، انشأت أرقى إعمار و بنايات ، من اسفلها تجري القطارات ، بنظام صارم ، بتوقيت حازم ، بسير جازم ، بسرعته للضوء ملازم. و بثغر طوكيو الباسم ، المنزوي و للعالم مسالم ، توجد كبرى المصانع ، المصدرة لأحدث البضائع ، و اجودها بلا منازع. بطوكيو ، ليس غريبا ان تصبح أو تمسي جائع. فالغلاء شديد ، الازدحام عديد ، الطعام نيء بليد ، و الطقس جليد. لكن ، و بشكل فريد ، طوكيو هي عاصمة التكنولوجيا في العالم أجمع. و من يرى ليس كمن يسمع. ففعلا ، الشعب الياباني أبدع. و في البحث العلمي هو الأسرع. فوصل اكتشافات هي الأروع.

حتما ، سأرتاح في هذا المكان. فهنا "لا للعنصرية" هو العنوان. لو ذهبت الى امريكا ملكة هذا الزمان ، لذقت من انواع التعصب ألوان. لو بقيت عند حبيبة قلبي عمان ، لانتهى بي المطاف أنام عطشا أو جوعان. فشهادتي بعظمتها لن توفر لي السولار و سأبقى بردان. ماذا سأفعل في عمان؟ لو ذهبت لقضاء الوقت على جسر عبدون ، لقالوا عني هذا ليس بمهندس بل مجنون. أو لربما تفكرت بالحياة و صعوبتها و تملكتني الشجون ، فقفزت من اعلاك الى أسفلك يا عبدون. ففي النهاية ، الجسر ما بني الا لجذب العيون! فالانتحار بالاصل هو نوع من الفنون ، سيجذب السياح اسرع من اي جسر تبنون.

انهيت ثانويتي من عمان الحب. و حصلت على معدل كاف لدخول الهندسة أو الطب ، لأتفاجأ بسهم أصاب القلب. علي أن أدفع للجامعة الاردنية رسوم ، على الرغم من تفوقي المعلوم. و بعد ان كنت فائزا أصبحت كالمهزوم. و حلمي بدخول الجامعة أضاف على عائلتي الهموم. اخترت الهندسة و بتفوق حصلت على الشهادة. فحق لي الحصول على منحة من الجامعة كالعادة، الا أنهم طلبوا مني مئات آلاف الدنانير بلا نقصان أو زيادة. و الا فاقرأ على دراساتي العليا السلام ، و فلتبقى دوما في خانة الأحلام ، فانا لن اقدر على مصاريفها مهما مرت الأيام ، حتى لو عملت بلا كلل دون أن انام. و بدون أدنى تردد ، ازالوا اسمي من القائمة ، بابتسامات على وجوههم جاثمة. لأني لا أملك الألوف و جيبي عن الأموال صائمة.

أدركت ان هذا ليس الا ابتلاء ، فرفعت يدي الى السماء ، و دعوت الهي رب الأرض و الفضاء: يا رب ، اغثني و لا تضع لي تعبا أو عمل. و رددت هذا دون كلل أو ملل. حتى اتتني المكالمة المنشودة ، من اليابانيين بدقتهم المعهودة. و بكل ادب كان الحديث بيننا ، عما عندهم و عن ما عندنا: نتعجب حقا كيف يتركون امثالك ! كيف لا يستغلون ما عندك بل يتركوك بحالك!! تعال انت عندنا آت. تعال و رب السماوات ، لن نضيع فرصة كهذه مع أصحاب القدرات. سمي مطالبك سمي امنياتك و ما عندك من حاجات ، اطلب و تمنى ذهبا أو ليرات. نحن نتبناك ، نحن نزيل من طريقك الأشواك. فقط كن عندنا كن منا يا ملاك. انت عندنا ترفع رأس اليابان ، اختراعاتك باسم اليابان ، قدراتك صقلتها اليابان. و بالفعل ، حتى انني لم اطلب اي من الأمور. قاموا بتجهيزي ابتداءا من التذاكر انتهاءا بالمنزل و الراتب و العطور. احسست بان جرحي يزول و سأرجع كالعصفور. أحسست بانني مرغوب بعد ان عوملت كالمهجور. وزنوني بالعقل و ليس بالدراهم و الأموال. تغيرت حياتي من حال الى حال. أخيرا......

أنا بين أناس يقدرون العقل لا المال........

Friday, 20 April 2007

Get ready to sit on the Toilet!!!!

I couldnt find a more suitable title!!!

You really need to be ready so you can sit on the toilet. The toilets in Japan have a control panel to provide the maximum comfort for you. It can be used any way you like or desire, its job is to make you happy!!!

As the picture shows, there are two devices. One on the right, used to put some alcoholic material on the toilet paper to clean the toilet seat before usage. You have to press the push button to do that, while in other bathrooms it is infrared.
On the left side, there is the control panel for ur toilet seat. Ill leave what it does to ur imagination, cause its probably out of the line to talk about it in public, but lets say that it helps you relax while you are in there :)

OK, before you sit, you have to read the "User Manual" that is also shown in the pic. Make sure you follow the steps one by one or it may lead to some disastrous reactions ;)

The University of Tokyo

This is my University, The University of Tokyo. What you see in the picture is the main building in it & called Yasuda Auditorium. This is the main campus of the university (Hongo Campus) out of five campuses, & its twice as big as the University of Jordan in size.

According to wikipedia, the University of Tokyo was established in 1877. It teaches every academic subjects available. Some of my friends are studying Masters degree in "Fish"eries. wow! The university is ranked among the top 20 universities over the world in general & is the 2nd best in Science & Engineering, according to the official university ranking website, here.

This university is the absolute best in Japan. It is well known for its huge red gate, that you can see in the pictures. When I first went to the university, I used help to get there, asking about the akamon, or the red gate. Everybody knew it & they were even surprised that I dont know it. When I got there I found that Japanese people themselves take photos infront of that gate. They are very proud to be students of the akamon, as they call themselves.

Look at that picture. This lake is in the middle of the university. OH MY GOD I love it. It has the most beautiful view I have ever seen in my life. It has a new green color that I never saw before, really! Some sort of yellow green that doesnt exist at least in Jordan. Students come here to relax & enjoy their time. No wonder they become inventors at the end.

New pictures on the way..

I will post new pictures of Japan in this blog soon, just wait for them..

The pictures are taken by the professional photographer my friend Ahmad. As you saw the sakura tree pictures how professionally photographed by him..

Thanx ahmad.

Just wait for the update.

Tuesday, 17 April 2007

Devil May Cry 4..

Eventhough i am so fond of SONY & their PlayStation, but I have to say the truth about this one. What I saw was below my expectations.

I played the game on a 720p TV. Dont think this is the reason for such graphics, even if they are down graded from 1080p. The game felt like a PC game with a powerful graphic card installed. I was really surprised to see such stuff from this huge title that is anxiously waited by many.

Gears of War on the 360 is waaaaaaaaay much more better than this one. Nevertheless, we can never compare a title coming almost with the system's launch, with a title that came 1 year after the system is launched.

Sunday, 15 April 2007

PS3, XBOX360 and the Wii..

OK, lets get into the console war!

Ofcourse I visited some games shops while shopping around shinjuku. I was able to play Devil May Cry 4. Ill say my comments on that later on.

The pics show the prices for the consoles in Japan. The 360 premium system is sold for 300$ (400$ in the US) & the PS3 60GB system is sold for 500$ (600$ in the US). The Wii is sold for about 200$. Cheap prices. I might buy a 360 when I have some time to play - probably never!!!!! :( -

Shinjuku & Al Halal shop..

We went to Shinjuku to do some shopping. Shinjuku appears in the accompanied pic.

We got lost, so we asked a Japanese guy who was riding a bicycle. To our surprised he didnt just tell us where to go, but also walked with us until we reached the place!! wow how polite!!!

On another hand, we visited a Halal shop close to shinjuku, so we can buy some meat. The owner of that shop was angry such that he reminded me with Amman. He barely answered our questions & was really impolite!!

I am not sure anymore if Arabs like to act like this or it is muslims or what!!!!

Saturday, 14 April 2007



The Sakura..

The most beautiful tree in the existence...

This tree is very famous in Japan & is only around in April. Look at the pics & appreciate the view...

aaah how great..

Technology in the land of technology..

Technology here is freakin cheap!!

I have 24Mbps ADSL in my room (3.5MB/s dload & around 700KB/s upload), only for 20JDs a month.

XBOX360 premium system is sold for 210JDs.

Nintendo DS is for 75JDs & PSP is for around 120JDs.

aaaaaah I wanna buy everything...

I just cant :(

OK, the main goal behind this blog..

I am actually against blogging, & having people publish their own private life in public.

But when I received the scholarship to Japan, I searched the net for MONTHS trying to find useful info about the life in here & I couldnt find alot.

I am doing this to help those after me find some useful info about Japan, in case anybody needs that.


Cards, Cards, Cards!!!

Really! Everything operates on magnetic cards in here!

I am only 2 weeks old in tokyo, & I already have 5 cards.

- card for the train.
- card for the lab.
- card for the lodge entrance.
- card for the internet activation in my room.
- card for my lodge room.

The sweetest thing is that u dont have to take any of those cards out of ur wallet. You just put ur wallet infront of any card reader & it will read the corresponding card automatically. WOW!

Muslims in Japan..

Its great to see muslims all around u.

To my surprise, my lodge is full with muslims. We are alot! This is a great thing.

I have met many more muslims yesterday, Friday, when I went to pray AlJum3a prayer in the university (my university).

Japanese people actually respect muslims alot. & they understand that they have strict rules regarding eating & praying.

My professor was too kind to tell me that we have a small mosque for me to pray 5 times in the lab if I want. Great. People in shops will tell you if this is Haram or not. In Jordan, people in shops would do ANYTHING just to make you buy. Here, Honesty is before anything, even if you dont buy from him.

Japan is the land of Islam but without Islam.


Shibuya is a shopping place in tokyo that is used for hanging out. You find many young people in there having fun. Its a great place actually.

I can reach shibuya only in 3min by train. Great!

You can notice how organized the japanese people are, when u see them waiting for the traffic light to be green just like in this video, taken from

My room, Japanese style...

This is why Tokyo is crowded..

Japanese style rooms are very very small. But they make use of every inch available. As u can see in the pics, to take a shower I have to move the sink 90 degrees to the right to have space!

The bed is folded to save space also. Its pretty interesting actually!!

Actually Japanese know how to use the space-time dimensions to the maximum. Amazing!!


It makes the perfect sense to start with this word, AKIHABARA...

Akihabara is the most famous area in Tokyo outside Japan. Its the place with the latest technology all available. I couldnt wait to visit akihabara. I arrived Japan, 2 days later, I was walking above the streets of dreams, streets of Akihabra.


Hello everybody,

I am talking to u now from tokyo..

Ill post pics & information about tokyo as much as my time allows me. Just stay tuned.

Please post ur comments if u like/dislike what u see.