I had this decision to cut the cost on myself by not getting a mobile phone. But after having dinner with a friend for 2000yen (12JDs) I thought having a mobile phone and paying 15JDs a month isnt that much.
I now have this mobile phone
When I went inside the shop to buy the mobile phone, I got that mobile, a sim card, & signed the contract. I paid NOTHING. Absolutely nothing. Ill get a monthly bill for 15JDs a month. 5Jds a basic charge, 8JDs for the mobile phone, and another 2JDs already paid phone calls.
You know whats the best part in all of this? People inside the same network can call each other for FREE from 1am to 9pm each day. yup, 20 hours of free calling. Imagine u can call from fastlink to fastlink free all day? this is how it works in Japan!!!!!
Dont get me started on other services you get with the mobile phone:
1. You have a special email, such that if your friend is online and sent an email to that address, you will receive the email on your mobile. You can reply too.
2. You can connect to the internet anywhere inside Japan. And for 50JDs a month, you can have unlimited internet on your mobile!!! a bit expensive so I didnt subscribe in this one.
3. You mobile phone has a warranty for a year, if it is broken it is immediately exchanged with a new one.
Magnificent service, really!!
WAW, thats unbelievable, you must get me a mobile :)
by the way, nice blog you have here.
You can never imagine how cheap mobile phones in Japan are.
No , I can
But after having dinner ( Sure not shawerma lol ) with a friend for 2000yen (12JDs) I thought having a mobile phone and paying 15JDs a month isnt that much. Really 12 jd !!!!
Dude I paid the 12 jd today to get the "extra 2.5 jds of fastlink :S which I can use only in MAY "
I now have this mobile phone
that costs 800$ in the US, 800JDs in Jordan. I bought it for 100JDs in Japan :), and yet better, ill pay it on 12 months, for about 8JDs a month!!!!!!
wow , big difference :( I once found used one and about 1 year released and it was 350 jd I thought "la26a" and was about to get it !
I paid NOTHING. Absolutely nothing. Ill get a monthly bill for 15JDs a month. 5Jds a basic charge, 8JDs for the mobile phone, and another 2JDs already paid phone calls.
You know whats the best part in all of this? People inside the same network can call each other for FREE from 1am to 9pm each day. yup, 20 hours of free calling.
so great, Japan and USA are rich and services are expensive but not calls !!!!!!!!!! while Jordan Expensive services + very expensive mobiles and calls are very expensive especially Fastlink !! Weird
Imagine u can call from fastlink to fastlink free all day? this is how it works in Japan!!!!!
No man I cant :(
1. You have a special email, such that if your friend is online and sent an email to that address, you will receive the email on your mobile. You can reply too.
2. You can connect to the internet anywhere inside Japan. And for 50JDs a month, you can have unlimited internet on your mobile!!! a bit expensive so I didnt subscribe in this one.
Wow , yes 50 jd is bit expensive < but I once when I got my "6600 Nokia" read that it is great internet browsing , so I connected and opened a simple forum and loged in for less than a Minute and I thought " GREAT! " but After I checked my account it was 2.5 jd discounted for these seconds I connected that simple site !!!!
3. You mobile phone has a warranty for a year, if it is broken it is immediately exchanged with a new one.
I got a sony erricson for my brother as a gift and from the main company of sony Erricson at Jordan and after that it was not working , so I went to company which sent me to another then to another and the distance was so long , took days promissing " Come tomorrow Inshalla and it will be fixed " and when I was there they were telling , ooh sorry we didnt fix yet !!!!!???
After a Week- and they even did not what is the error - they told me must change it , But because they knew I lost I lost my warranty paper (MA Sadda2o w ba66alo ye3terfo belmobile min 3endhom ) even they accepted at first to fix and they told me the Serial number of Mobile is there ID differs mobiles
After I went to the main company I got the mobile from twice A girl working there "Shef2at 3alai" and she printed me 2 warranty papers and finally got the new one , I felt "I Won " ((Ka2ennoh moo el2asel ennoh 2a5doh min Awwal ))
it is really nothing .
Sanad I think this is time to check for us what is the cost of a Trip to Japan :)
sugoi jan!(@_@) yappari sugu ni ikitai no sa!
Awesome, mabrook :)
Enjoy your new phone ;)
i dont think about japan make a dream true until what u write about cell phone.
Hashem san welcome to the blog. please post more comments.
wooooooow mabrook awesome :)
12 JD for window mobile!! O M G here at least you should by 400JD at least least!!mabrook :)
Oh....My....GOD! and in uae they remove the BB service...:/
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