I couldnt find a more suitable title!!!
You really need to be ready so you can sit on the toilet. The toilets in Japan have a control panel to provide the maximum comfort for you. It can be used any way you like or desire, its job is to make you happy!!!
As the picture shows, there are two devices. One on the right, used to put some alcoholic material on the toilet paper to clean the toilet seat before usage. You have to press the push button to do that, while in other bathrooms it is infrared.
On the left side, there is the control panel for ur toilet seat. Ill leave what it does to ur imagination, cause its probably out of the line to talk about it in public, but lets say that it helps you relax while you are in there :)
OK, before you sit, you have to read the "User Manual" that is also shown in the pic. Make sure you follow the steps one by one or it may lead to some disastrous reactions ;)
Actually this is not all of it. I wish I can talk more about it but I guess that is enough.
Those japanese people take care of every little detail, they are really really clever people.
Hello Subzero,
What a nice blog brother very nice threads and beautiful pictures.
I enjoied reading it.
Keep in Touch,
Professional :-)
lool , impressive.
Manual :)
wow, impressive..!!
LOL even toilets :D I love their creativity.
I want same one and i'll live in bathroom forever :)
Cool toilets...until they catch fire and burn your ass. Check out the latest recall info.
LOL Sanad I'm glad u started a blog! it's really interesting to read about Japan from a Jordanian's point of view!
And I LOVED the Sakura pictures. Keep us updated :-)
Simply .. WOW
Great article! Thanks.
Thanks for interesting article.
Nice Blog!
Thank You! Very interesting article. Do you can write anything else about it?
Very interesting site. Blog is very good. I am happy that I think the same!
Nice! Nice site! Good resources here. I will bookmark!
Excellent website. Good work. Very useful. I will bookmark!
I see first time your site guys. I like you :)
I saw it at 5awter :) it's really awesome.
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